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Terms and conditions of use

The customer acknowledges having read the General Terms and Conditions of Sale governing relations between the parties and expressly declares his unreserved acceptance of them.


11 rue Saint Aubin – B 51
Legal form: SARL
RCS Toulouse B 419161708
TEL 04 42 57 96 44


The personal information requested and collected is essential for the processing and delivery of orders, as well as for the preparation of invoices. The placing of an order and its execution by MIDIPY® imply unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale. MIDIPY® reserves the right to modify its prices and these terms and conditions without prior notice. A purchaser’s order shall not become final until expressly accepted by MIDIPY®.

When an order is placed, a pro forma invoice is drawn up at the customer’s request, for customer approval and advance payment of the total order amount. Any changes to orders must be made in writing within forty-eight (48) hours of the order date. No request for modification will be taken into account after the goods have been dispatched.


We usually deliver items from stock for fast delivery. In the case of a missing item to be manufactured, we ask for a lead time of around 15 to 20 days, barring external events and cases of force majeure (strikes, fires, floods) and closure of the company for paid vacations. Deliveries are made in order of order. MIDIPY® is authorized to make partial or total deliveries. Delivery times are given as an indication only; exceeding them may not give rise to any damages, deductions or cancellation of orders in progress. However, if the goods have not been delivered after one month’s notice, the sale may be cancelled at the request of either party. In this case, the purchaser will be entitled to a refund of the deposit, to the exclusion of any other compensation or damages. In any case, on-time delivery is only possible if the buyer is up to date with his obligations towards the seller, whatever the cause. The delivery period begins on receipt of the payment validated by the payment center for credit card payments, or on final cashing of the check after bank checks (approximately 3 weeks) for check payments. For Christmas and New Year orders, it’s best to place your order before November 30th. For deliveries outside mainland France, the customer must check the conformity and good condition of the items received immediately upon receipt and in the presence of the delivery person.

Products travel at the buyer’s risk. In the event of a problem, the buyer must notify the carrier by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within 48 hours of delivery. Goods travel at the buyer’s risk, whatever the means of transport used or the method of payment of the transport price. The purchaser alone has the right to take action against the carrier. Without prejudice to the measures to be taken with regard to the carrier, claims for apparent defects or non-conformity of the delivery in relation to the order must be made to MIDIPY® by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, within eight (8) days from the date of delivery. No returns will be accepted without prior written agreement from MIDIPY®.

Any return accepted by MIDIPY® will result in the free replacement of the product, or the creation of a credit note in favour of the purchaser. After seven (7) days from the delivery date, all returns will be refused.


The total price indicated is the definitive price in euros, all taxes included, including handling, packaging and transport costs (see basket). Invoicing is at the rate in force on the day of the order.


In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, the information provided is subject to a declaration to the CNIL. The customer has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him/her (art. 34 of the law of January 6, 1978) by writing to the company.
The company reserves the right to retain personal information.
The customer has a cooling-off period of 7 days from receipt of the products ordered to return them intact for exchange or reimbursement, excluding return costs.

If necessary, the company may deactivate the customer’s account. Contractual documents (invoices) can be supplied to the customer on request. In the event of a dispute, the courts of Toulouse shall have jurisdiction, notwithstanding multiple defendants.


The price of products sold is payable in cash by Visa or Mastercard using the secure payment system. The order becomes effective as soon as the payment center approves the transaction.

For payments by cheque, the order becomes effective once the cheque has been cashed (approximately 3 weeks). Payment for individual customers: sales are subject to payment in advance on the basis of a pro forma invoice or the current price list sent on request or consulted on the website. Payment can be made by bank or postal cheque, bank transfer, Paypal or credit card. Payment for professional customers: the minimum order is €ht 800 and in the case of payment on order, a discount of 1.5% of the net amount excluding taxes will be granted. This condition cannot be combined with or applied to any exceptional discounts or promotions. The settlement period may not exceed thirty (30) days.

By express agreement, and unless MIDIPY® requests and is granted a deferment, failure to pay invoices on the due date will result in all outstanding sums becoming payable, as well as the payment, by way of damages and penalty clause, of an indemnity equal to ten point twenty five percent (10.25%) of the sums due, in addition to the application of late payment penalties of 1.5% per month (law of 31.12.1992 – article 3/92 1442) and any legal costs.


For private and professional customers: our deliveries are made strictly in accordance with orders and are neither returned nor exchanged. The legal 7-day cooling-off period does not apply to personalized items. Any defects must be reported within 48 hours of delivery. In accordance with law 80 335 of May 12 1980, MIDIPY® remains the owner of the goods delivered until full and final payment of the sums due. We reserve the right to repossess the goods at the buyer’s expense in the event of non-payment. In the event of partial or total non-payment, or in the event of receivership or liquidation, MIDIPY® reserves the right to take back the goods delivered, wherever they may be, at the purchaser’s expense.
All our articles and promotional advertising media, including photos, are our own conceptual creation and may not be copied or reproduced without the written consent of MIDIPY®. Any point-of-sale advertising material entrusted to MIDIPY® shall remain the full and complete property of MIDIPY®.

SPECIAL ORDERS FOR OUT OF STANDARD & EXPORT: Please contact us on 04 42 57 96 44. EXPORT RATE: Please refer to our export price list and specific addenda for export markets, including the USA.

